Federal Agencies Guidelines

All Federal Agencies

Updated 12/17/2015

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued 鈥2 CFR搂 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards鈥 known as Uniform Guidance on December 26, 2013.  The Uniform Guidance consolidates eight existing OMB Circulars, including Circulars A-122, A-110, and A133 in an effort to streamline and took effect on 12/26/2014.


Procurement implementation has been deferred by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).  MBLwill continue to comply with OMB Circular A鈥110 through 7/1/2017.   You should continue to follow all current MBLpolicy and sponsor terms and conditions until further notice.

Updated:  9/1/2015

Uniform Guidance Section: